2023 Streetsboro Master Plan Update Community Forum
2023 Streetsboro Community Forum on the Master Plan Update
The future of Streetsboro will be in the spotlight during the Community Forum on the Streetsboro Master Plan Update on Thursday, August 3 at the Streetsboro City Hall, 555 Frost Street. The public forum will be open-house style from 5 pm to 8 pm, with exhibits displayed in Council Chambers and conference rooms. Everyone is welcome to attend, browse through the exhibits (which will include the results of the Community Survey), and provide your opinions on the topics presented.
An up-to-date City Master Plan serves as a guide for the physical and economic development of the area, preservation of the City’s local character, and enhancement of the quality of life for residents, visitors, employees and employers. The Plan topics highlighted at the community forum include preserving rural character and important natural areas, strengthening the City’s Downtown Core Area and other economic development strategies, areas for future housing and neighborhood improvements, future park improvements, and transportation improvements including increasing connections between neighborhoods, downtown and community facilities. Some of the strategies identify potential zoning code updates, while others may require expenditure of tax dollars and/or be dependent on securing outside funding.
This public forum is an opportunity to provide input and visit informally with the City’s Master Plan Review Commission and the City’s community planning consultant, CT Consultants, as they confirm the City’s long-range goals and update the short-term strategies to be tackled over the next five years.
Please drop in to find out more about the Plan’s goals and draft strategies and share your thoughts with Commission members. Post-it-notes and comment sheets will also be provided. Once the draft plan is finalized by the Master Plan Review Commission, it will be reviewed, and revised if necessary, by the Planning Commission and forwarded to City Council for their final review and approval. The overall goal through this lengthy process is to make sure the updated Master Plan reflects the ideas and opinions of the citizens!