Parks, Recreation & Conservation Advisory Committee

Established in 2010, the advisory committee helps the Parks & Recreation Department meet the recreational needs of the community through; the discussion of public recreation land use (active and passive), including the preservation and conservation of environmental areas of the City, community's need for public education and outreach, public participation/ involvement and recreational needs, and the development and exploration of funding sources for such projects.

Meetings are conducted on the fourth Tuesday of the month at 6:15 pm in Council Chambers.


Eileen Fitzsimmons PRCAC Member Ward 2 330-474-0699 Email
Sheri Gestring PRCAC Member At Large 330-554-9106 Email
Wendy Scott-Kemp PRCAC Member Ward 3 Email
Carolyn Miller Email
Sandy Roberts PRCAC At-Large Email
Joe Yonish PRCAC Ward 1
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