What is a Mud Bond?

A mud bond is needed before construction can begin on ANY project in the City.  The owner, developer or contractor shall be responsible for maintaining the public right of way at the location, and in close proximity to the location of the construction throughout the construction period.

A cash bond must be posted.  For commercial projects, the amount is $2500.00.  The amount is $500.00 per unit for residential projects with a maximum of $2500.00 for all units.  These bonds will be held as a guaranty to keep the public right-of-way free from debris, and mud.  If there is debris, the contractor will be notified and they must start the removal of the debris (usually within 2 hours).  If the debris is not removed, then the City will call a street cleaning company to take care of the debris.  Their invoice amount will be deducted from the posted bond.

A mud bond application form must be completed, which can be obtained from the Engineering Department or downloaded from the website.  The fee is to be paid in the Engineering Department with the check made payable to the City of Streetsboro.  This is refundable upon completion of the project, once all criteria have been followed and the Engineering inspector is satisfied that all requirements have been met.

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