I am planning on making changes to my property, will I need a permit?
It is always best to call in and get clarification on what changes will need a permit and inspections. Always call first before making any changes to your property.
It is always best to call in and get clarification on what changes will need a permit and inspections. Always call first before making any changes to your property.
The Engineering Department is to be contacted to inspect the proposed project. They will make the decision on whether the ditch can be filled in as there are many factors to take into consideration, including water run-off, neighbors who may be affected, etc. If the department allows for the project to proceed, the Service Department … Continued
The property owner should first hire a currently licensed surveyor to survey the parcel and have a drawing completed which will show the current property layout and the proposed lot split. Two drawings as well as a legal description of the parcel needs to be completed by the surveyor and submitted to the Engineering Department. … Continued
A mud bond is needed before construction can begin on ANY project in the City. The owner, developer or contractor shall be responsible for maintaining the public right of way at the location, and in close proximity to the location of the construction throughout the construction period. A cash bond must be posted. For commercial … Continued
A topographic design must be submitted when building a new home. This TOPO must be stamped by a licensed surveyor and should show the building structure, and the existing and proposed contours and spot elevations of the property. Four copies of the TOPO are needed for the Engineering Department’s review. Once approved the TOPO is … Continued
The Engineering Department assigns the address and notifies the proper authorities (including but not limited to, Police, Service, Fire, City School Bus Garage, Post Office, Auditor’s Office, Portage County Water Resources, Board of Elections, Recycling Center).
Call 330-626-4664 weekdays to inquire. Fire reports will be released only after the incident is closed. Emergency medical reports may only be released in accordance with Federal law.
Within Streetsboro City limits, you may do the following (certain restrictions may apply): Have a barbeque, camp fire or cookout utilizing clean, dry wood, no larger that 2 feet high by 3 feet wide. No permit is required. Eliminate certain agricultural wastes; disease and pest control. Must notify Ohio EPA in advance and meet all requirements. … Continued
The fire station is staffed 24 hours a day, however, there are times when no one is at the station due to multiple calls or training off station. If you need the fire department to respond to your home or business for any reason, please call 330-626-4113 or 9-1-1. Do not call the fire station … Continued
Occasionally, a person driving near the fire station experiences an emergency or otherwise needs to summon the fire department. The call button on the box is a direct link to our dispatch center, making our response faster any time of day or night.