Archives: FAQs

Why does my water look funny after hydrant flushing?

When a hydrant is opened, there will always be temporary incidences of discolored water containing fine sediment particles. There is no health hazard associated with discolored water. Allow a few hours for discoloration to dissipate. To verify the water has settled allow your cold water tap to run for a few minutes. If the discoloration … Continued

What should I do after the flushing?

If the tap water is used during flushing, it could come out full of sediment and discoloration. If you encounter discolored water, shut the water off and wait several minutes. After waiting, check the clarity by running cold water for a few minutes allowing new water to work its way into your pipes. If not, … Continued

What should I do when I see city crews flushing hydrants in my area?

If you see a city crew flushing hydrants on your street or in your neighborhood, avoid running tap water, your washing machine or the dishwasher until the flushing is complete. If you see hydrant flushing crews working in the area, please drive carefully and treat them like any other construction crew. DRIVE SAFELY!

Why does the water system need to be routinely flushed?

The city’s treated water distribution system is a complex network of pipes and storage reservoirs where sediment or deposits may naturally accumulate over time. If not removed, these materials may cause water quality deterioration, taste and odor problems or discoloration of the water. Water may also stagnate in less-used parts of the distribution system. This … Continued

Are there noise restrictions in the city?

Yes.  Certain types of noise are considered unlawful as described in Streetsboro codified ordinance 509.10

Am I allowed to drive my golf cart on city streets?

Golf carts that have been properly registered and inspected may be driven by valid licenced drivers on city streets that have a posted speed limit of 25 MPH.  To get your golf cart inspected, contact Ofc. Jason Fogleman at (330) 626-4976 or by email at

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