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1873 Results Found

The Streetsboro Police Department maintains a mobile speed awareness monitoring trailer. The purpose of such a tool is to deploy it in designated target areas or complaint areas within our community in efforts to modify driver behavior. The trailer system utilized by SPD also incorporates a comprehensive computer based statistics module that can track information...

Safety Land is for children entering kindergarten in the Fall.  Safety Land is a program that may teach a wide spectrum of safety information about the following: (nutrition, sports safety, water safety, bus safety, fire safety, self esteem, animal safety, railroad safety, recycling, poison, and a visit from the police department).  The students will also take part in a...

While on routine patrol, Streetsboro police officers often make note of potential security risks, such as garage doors left open during the late evening hours, valuable property left outdoors, or in plain view, open windows or doors, overgrown bushes, or inoperable security lighting. When an officer notices these kinds of situations, (s)he may leave a...

CIT is a collaborative effort between the law enforcement and mental health communities of Portage County. It is designed to help law enforcement officers handle incidents involving persons who suffer from mental illness. CIT is a community-based collaboration between law enforcement, NAMI (National Alliance for the Mentally Ill), mental health consumers, mental health providers, the...

The city of Streetsboro has a number of boards and commissions. If you have an interest in being selected for any of these, please email the Mayor. Please include your name, address, and qualifications. If a member seat becomes available and is a ward seat or an at large position, the mayor will reach out...

The City of Streetsboro Planning and Zoning Commission is responsible for community planning relating to the orderly growth and development of the City. The Commission meets regularly to hear and vote on applications concerning the use, development and improvement of real property subject to City regulation. Its consideration of these applications includes an assessment of...

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