Service name

Service description.


Deadline to apply is xyz.


  • x
  • y
  • z

Who can apply

  • x
  • y
  • z

Steps to apply

  • x
  • y
  • z


For questions or support, contact:

  • Phone: 555-555-5555
  • Email:

Frequently asked questions

As of April 4, 2023, it is illegal to use or hold a cell phone or electronic device in your hand, lap, or other parts of the body while driving on Ohio roads. If an officer sees a violation, they can pull you over.

For more informaiton, visit:

The Streetsboro Police Department hires patrol officers and dispatchers through a civil service testing process. No prior training or experience is needed in order to be considered for the position of dispatcher. Patrol officer positions require that a candidate obtain OPOTA certification by time of appointment.

When a test is being given, a notice will be posted at

To learn more about the benefits of working for the Streetsboro Police Department, visit

In 2022, it became legal for the average person to discharge consumer grade fireworks in Ohio during certain holidays between the hours of 4pm until 11pm.

For example, they are legal on July 3, 4, and 5, and the Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays immediately preceding and following July 4.

For specifics, as well as a list of other holidays, visit

Any time you need our assistance – you need an ambulance or other fire department assistance – it’s best to call 9-1-1 or 330-626-4113, even if it’s for a ‘non-emergency’ situation.

If the fire department duty crew is off station when you call our business line, the phone call will not roll over to the on duty dispatcher, causing a delay in getting the help you need. Our 9-1-1 dispatchers are highly trained to get all the necessary information needed and will contact us via radio, no matter where we are across the city. This ensures you get the right help as soon as possible.

The Portage County Health Department currently has certified Child Passenger Seat Technicians on staff. Call them at 330-296-9919, extension 126, for more information.

In no particular order, the top private sector, non-retail employers in Streetsboro are:  Step2, Sealed Air/Automated Packaging, Delta Systems, Soft-Lite Windows & Doors, Micro-Poise Measurement Systems, International Paper, Viking Forge, Permco, and L’Oréal.

The Economic Development Director would be pleased to set up some time to talk.  He can assist you in finding resources, locations, assistance with business planning, finding financing and even possibly referring you to some other Streetsboro businesses that might be interested in partnering with you.

Streetsboro has a strong track record of structuring deals in a way that results in a true public-private partnership.  Our negotiations have resulted in money and land for a new city park, an annual donation for our food bank, the creation of a scholarship for our students and even requiring recipients of an abatement to provide additional buffering between residential neighborhoods and industrial sites.  Through the negotiation process we uncover ways for us to strengthen the bonds between our city and our businesses.

From a bottom line perspective, abatements not only help create new jobs that you and your family can work at but also help ensure that there is a diverse set of companies within town to help keep your tax burden low.

The city is aggressively pursuing redevelopment opportunities and has had remarkable success.  The former True North gas station on SR 14 was vacant for many years but we provided a tax incentive to demolish it and it will soon be home to a butcher shop.  We also were able to repurpose the old Steak N Shake into Northeast Ohio’s first Raising Canes Chicken and helped a developer convert a hotel into senior living.

Sadly, not all properties are an ideal fit for redevelopment.  In some cases, though the store is vacant the property is still in a lease contract and producing income for the building owner.  Often, there is little incentive or motivation for the property owner to break a paying lease.

Yes.  In some areas of the city the Community Reinvestment Area (CRA) will allow for a reduction in real property taxes for residents.  Remodeling projects, like painting or new carpet or even a kitchen remodel won’t typically add to the tax book value and likely will not result in an incentive.  However, adding new square footage typically increases a tax bill.  The CRA can, in some circumstances, abate a percentage of the new taxes resulting from the addition. Contact the Economic Development Director for assistance as the tool is complex and not all projects will qualify and not all areas of the city are currently covered by a CRA.

In an emergency, call 9-1-1. If you need the assistance of the fire department, please call our dispatch center at 330-626-4113 or 9-1-1.

If you need to speak with someone at the fire station for anything other than a response to any incident, please call  330-626-4664.

Although this is owned by the City, it is the responsibility of the homeowner to keep the sidewalk maintained, including keeping it clear of snow and debris.

You may obtain maps in the Engineering Department or in the Planning Department.  There is a small fee for each copy.

Contact Portage County Water Resources at 330-297-3670 or visit their website at

Yes.  Please call in with the location of the pole (the nearest address), and if at all possible, the pole number.  The Engineering Department will notify Ohio Edison.

The Engineering Department is to be notified with the location, date and time of day the problem occurs.  The Police Department can be contacted at 330-626-4976 when City Hall is not open.

The Engineering Department will inspect the property to determine what is causing the problem.

Contact the Engineering Department for the proposed schedules.

You need to contact the Engineering Department 24 hours in advance.  There is a $30 charge per inspection for residential and $40 charge per inspection for commercial projects.

The builder will be invoiced by the Engineering Department at the end of each month and will have 30-days to pay.  The check is to be made out to the City of Streetsboro and mailed to the Engineering Department.

The Engineering Department handles all storm sewer inspections.  You must call 24 hours in advance.  There is a $30 charge per inspection for residential and $40 charge per inspection for commercial or $75 for three catch basins or more.

The builder will be invoiced by the Engineering Department at the end of each month and will have 30-days to pay.  The check is to be made out to the City of Streetsboro, and mailed to the Engineering Department.

It is always best to call in and get clarification on what changes will need a permit and inspections.  Always call first before making any changes to your property.

The Engineering Department is to be contacted to inspect the proposed project.  They will make the decision on whether the ditch can be filled in as there are many factors to take into consideration, including water run-off, neighbors who may be affected, etc.

If the department allows for the project to proceed, the Service Department is to be contacted by the property owner.  The Service Department can be reached Monday through Friday, 7AM to 3:30PM at 330-626-2856.

The property owner should first hire a currently licensed surveyor to survey the parcel and have a drawing completed which will show the current property layout and the proposed lot split.  Two drawings as well as a legal description of the parcel needs to be completed by the surveyor and submitted to the Engineering Department.

It will be the property owner’s responsibility to have the lot split approved at the Portage County Tax Map office and recorded at the Portage County Recorder’s office in Ravenna, Ohio.

A mud bond is needed before construction can begin on ANY project in the City.  The owner, developer or contractor shall be responsible for maintaining the public right of way at the location, and in close proximity to the location of the construction throughout the construction period.

A cash bond must be posted.  For commercial projects, the amount is $2500.00.  The amount is $500.00 per unit for residential projects with a maximum of $2500.00 for all units.  These bonds will be held as a guaranty to keep the public right-of-way free from debris, and mud.  If there is debris, the contractor will be notified and they must start the removal of the debris (usually within 2 hours).  If the debris is not removed, then the City will call a street cleaning company to take care of the debris.  Their invoice amount will be deducted from the posted bond.

A mud bond application form must be completed, which can be obtained from the Engineering Department or downloaded from the website.  The fee is to be paid in the Engineering Department with the check made payable to the City of Streetsboro.  This is refundable upon completion of the project, once all criteria have been followed and the Engineering inspector is satisfied that all requirements have been met.

A topographic design must be submitted when building a new home.  This TOPO must be stamped by a licensed surveyor and should show the building structure, and the existing and proposed contours and spot elevations of the property.  Four copies of the TOPO are needed for the Engineering Department’s review.

Once approved the TOPO is then sent to the Building Department to be given back to the contractor with the building permits.

The Engineering Department assigns the address and notifies the proper authorities (including but not limited to, Police, Service, Fire, City School Bus Garage, Post Office, Auditor’s Office, Portage County Water Resources, Board of Elections, Recycling Center).

Call 330-626-4664 weekdays to inquire. Fire reports will be released only after the incident is closed. Emergency medical reports may only be released in accordance with Federal law.

Within Streetsboro City limits, you may do the following (certain restrictions may apply):

  1. Have a barbeque, camp fire or cookout utilizing clean, dry wood, no larger that 2 feet high by 3 feet wide. No permit is required.
  2. Eliminate certain agricultural wastes; disease and pest control. Must notify Ohio EPA in advance and meet all requirements.
  3. Conduct a ceremonial fire. Must notify Ohio EPA in advance and meet all requirements.
  4. Utilize certain occupational fires.

For answers to any other questions about lawful open burning, call the fire station business line at 330-626-4664, or the Akron Regional Air Quality Management District at 1-800-589-2480. Illegal open burning will be extinguished. Additionally, fines may be imposed by the municipality and/or regional and Federal authorities. More information is available here:

The fire station is staffed 24 hours a day, however, there are times when no one is at the station due to multiple calls or training off station. If you need the fire department to respond to your home or business for any reason, please call 330-626-4113 or 9-1-1. Do not call the fire station to initiate a response. 

Occasionally, a person driving near the fire station experiences an emergency or otherwise needs to summon the fire department. The call button on the box is a direct link to our dispatch center, making our response faster any time of day or night.

To schedule a fire safety inspection, call the fire station business line weekdays at 330-626-4664 and ask for the Fire Prevention Bureau. A certified Fire Safety Inspector will schedule a convenient time to conduct your inspection. There is NO FEE for this service.

Normally, annual fire safety inspections happen automatically. However, if you need an inspection for any reason (insurance company requirement, etc.) just call to schedule. Our Fire Prevention Bureau can be reached at 330-626-4664 weekdays.

In fall 2019, the Streetsboro Fire Department moved all radio communications to the Ohio Multi-Agency Radio Communications System, better known as MARCS. This is a secure digital radio system that prevents unauthorized use of our assigned radio talk group. It also eliminates radio connectivity and interference problems we commonly experienced. If you purchase a 700/800 mHz (megahertz) trunking scanner, you will have the ability to have many different listen only talk groups after programming. Since these newer scanners can become very costly, you may also want to consider using one of several online radio scanners, many of which are free to use.​

Yes. Unless other arrangements are made with the Fire Prevention Bureau, all tests of fire protection equipment must be conducted during normal business hours and with a member of our Fire Prevention Bureau present. Your vendor is responsible for making these arrangements. Call our Fire Prevention Bureau weekdays at 330-626-4664 with any questions or concerns.

Visit the Fire Department COMMUNITY PROGRAMS page. For residential lock boxes, a printable application is available in the link. Completed applications and full payment can be sent or delivered to the fire station. A member of the department will contact you to set up an installation time. For commercial lock boxes, click on the Knox Box link. This will take you to the Knox Company page where you will select our department, pay for and place your order. Commercial Knox Boxes cannot be ordered through the fire department. Residential lock boxes will not be installed at any commercial property. For additional information, visit the Fire Department COMMUNITY PROGRAMS page, or call the fire station business line weekdays between 8:00AM and 4:30PM.

The Water Department publishes a schedule of these activities on the city’s website. Please remember that this schedule is only a planning tool and may be off by a day or two due to problems that may be encountered in the field from time to time.

Having a flushing program also provides capability for rapid and effective removal of potentially harmful water if a contamination event were to be detected in the city’s drinking water system. This could represent a key component for emergency response to potential accidental or willful contamination of the city’s potable water system.

The development and implementation of the city’s flushing program can improve both, water quality and hydraulics. It can improve water quality by restoring disinfectant residual, reducing bacterial re-growth, dislodging bio-films, removing sediments and deposits, controlling corrosion, restoring flows and pressures, eliminating taste and odor problems, and reducing disinfectant demand throughout the distribution system. These efforts should prolong the life expectancy of the distribution system.

The procedure is considered a best management practice for distribution system water quality protection and maintenance and is commonly used by municipalities’ nation-wide.

It is recommended that water users wait until the water has cleared before using it for potable purposes.

Running several cold water taps at full force for a short period will usually flush out sediment laden or discolored water. A general recommendation is to flush for up to 10 minutes – if the water is not clear, wait for half an hour before flushing for up to 10-minutes again. Running water in a garden hose is often an effective way to flush, as the water can also be used for landscape watering. If the water hasn’t cleared at this point, call 330-626-4942 ext. 6106 or 330-626-2856 ext. 6103 (after hours, weekends and holidays contact Police Department on their Non-Emergency Line) for further

Clothing should not be laundered during such events as clothing may be stained. It is also best not to use hot water until the water has cleared to avoid drawing sediment into the water heater.

While the long-term benefits of systematic flushing are well-documented, individual flushing activities may cause temporary disturbances in the water system. These could include water with sediments or discoloration, or temporary disruption of service.

When a hydrant is opened, there will always be temporary incidences of discolored water containing fine sediment particles. There is no health hazard associated with discolored water. Allow a few hours for discoloration to dissipate. To verify the water has settled allow your cold water tap to run for a few minutes.

If the discoloration persists for more than 1 hour please contact our office at 330-626-4942 ext. 6106 or 330-626-2856 ext. 6103 (after hours, weekends and holidays contact Police Department on their Non-Emergency Line).

If the tap water is used during flushing, it could come out full of sediment and discoloration. If you encounter discolored water, shut the water off and wait several minutes. After waiting, check the clarity by running cold water for a few minutes allowing new water to work its way into your pipes. If not, wait a few more minutes and check again.

In some cases, you may experience slight discoloration for a few hours. This discoloration only affects the appearance of the water; it does not affect the taste or water quality. Avoid washing laundry during scheduled flushing times. Wait until the water is clear from the tap, and then wash a load of dark clothes first. If pressure or volume seems low, check your faucet screens for trapped debris.

If you see a city crew flushing hydrants on your street or in your neighborhood, avoid running tap water, your washing machine or the dishwasher until the flushing is complete. If you see hydrant flushing crews working in the area, please drive carefully and treat them like any other construction crew. DRIVE SAFELY!

The city’s treated water distribution system is a complex network of pipes and storage reservoirs where sediment or deposits may naturally accumulate over time. If not removed, these materials may cause water quality deterioration, taste and odor problems or discoloration of the water. Water may also stagnate in less-used parts of the distribution
system. This can result in degraded water quality.

The normal flow of water through the system will reduce some, but not all of these accumulation and stagnation problems over time, thus supplemental measures are periodically needed
to clear out the system. Systematic flushing of fire hydrants in a unidirectional fashion is an effective way to
accomplishing this needed cleaning.

Yes.  Certain types of noise are considered unlawful as described in Streetsboro codified ordinance 509.10

Golf carts that have been properly registered and inspected may be driven by valid licenced drivers on city streets that have a posted speed limit of 25 MPH.  To get your golf cart inspected, contact Ofc. Jason Fogleman at (330) 626-4976 or by email at

You can check the status of your driver’s license and view an unofficial 2 year record at  For a small fee, you can order an official 3 year record.  If your license is suspended, you can view your reinstatement requirements.

Sign up for the school’s automated notification program, or tune to local television or radio.  The Streetsboro Police Department does not provide that information.

Each county sheriff’s department maintains an online list of registered sex offenders within each county.  Go to Portage Co. Sex Offenders to search sex offender records.

Contact the police department non-emergency number at (330) 626-4976 and give your information to the on-duty Dispatcher.  The department maintains a log of lost/found animals and can provide you with further information.

Under age 14 – 9:00pm.  Age 14-15 – 11:00pm.  Age 16-17 – 12:00am.  Refer to Streetsboro Codified Ordinances section 509.08 for further information regarding Curfews.

The City has held organized fireworks in the past in conjunction with the Streetsboro Family Days event during late July each year.   Woodside Lake Campground on Frost Road has also hosted a 4th of July fireworks show in previous years. Check The City of Streetsboro web site, the Streetsboro Family Days web site, or the local newspapers for information regarding area summer fireworks.

Restraining orders are not issued by the Streetsboro Police Department, and the police department cannot enforce a restraining order by arrest.  Violating a restraining order is a civil matter, and is addressed by filing against the violating party in civil court.  Consult with a private attorney regarding obtaining a restraining order.

Temporary Protection Orders (TPO’s) are issued through the Ravenna Municipal Court system for specific instances of Domestic Violence and Stalking.  Civil Protection Orders (CPO’s) are issued following the filing of a petition in the Portage County Domestic Relations Court.  Both of these types of court orders may be enforceable by arrest.  Contact Portage County Victim’s Assistance at (330) 297-3850 for further information regarding TPO’s and CPO’s.

90 days prior to the expiration date, you may renew your driver’s license.  However, following your listed expiration date, there is no “grace” period.  You can be cited for having an expired driver license.

No, Streetsboro Police Officers are not under “quotas.”  However, Streetsboro officers conscientiously enforce Ohio traffic laws, and may also undertake enforcement actions based upon accident data, and/or specific complaint areas within our community.

Lights must not rotate, oscillate, or flash, but state law does not prohibit the use of colored neon lights under your car as long as they do not interfere or blind other drivers.  Ohio Revised Code, section 4513.17 prohibits flashing lights on motor vehicles with the exception of emergency vehicles, turn signals, and hazard flashers.

Colored lights, such as neon lights around a license plate are not illegal so long as a separate white light is the PRIMARY illumination for the plate.  If the neon light is the only source of illumination for the plate, or it changes the visible colors of the plate, the neon lights could be illegal.  State law requires a white light to illuminate the rear license plate.

There is no reliable means to predict how many alcoholic beverages an individual can consume before becoming “drunk” or “impaired.”  However, it is more than just two beers.

On Ohio registered vehicles, window tint must allow 50% light transmittance on the rear and side windows, and 70% transmittance on the windshield.  In other words, the tint cannot be darker than 50% on the side and back, and 30% on the windshield.  Remember, auto glass is slightly tinted from the factory, and will make the tint you apply to your windows darker than advertised by the tint manufacturer.  Additionally, no reflectorized material is permitted on any part of the windows and decals are prohibited on a the rear windows and below the AS/1 line on the front windshield, except a State of Ohio Vehicle Inspection Sticker

The Streetsboro Police Department has no role in the setting of impound or storage fees charged by a tow provider, as they are private companies.  Questions regarding a tow fee should be addressed directly with the tow company.  In certain circumstances, you may be charged an additional city $50 administrative tow fee through the tow provider, which is separate and apart from any impound/storage fees payable to the tow provider, if your vehicle was impounded due to conditions outlined in SCO 303.08.

For civilian background checks, you must use a web based electronic fingerprint system called Webcheck. The Streetsboro Police Department does not offer this service.  To find a location, visit:

Call (330) 626-4976 and ask to speak to the officer’s supervisor.  You can also send an email to or send a letter to the Streetsboro Police Department at 2080 SR 303, Streetsboro, OH 44241.

Contact police dispatch at (330) 626-4976 and ask to speak to the officer’s sergeant.  If that does not resolve the matter to your satisfaction, the sergeant will arrange for you to file a formal complaint.

Contact the department by phone, and you will be referred to a coordinating police supervisor who will provide you with further information and requirements regarding SPD off-duty details.  Contact Lt. Troy Beaver by phone at (330) 626-4976, or via e-mail at  to coordinate.  The current hourly pay rate for extra job details is as follows:

$50/hr.     General security and construction details

$55/hr.     Traffic control

$80/hr      Holiday rate

$15/hr.     Police cruiser

The form needed to request an officer can be found at:

Solicitors are allowed under city ordinance.  However, minus a few exceptions under the ordinance, active solicitors are required to have a permit issued through the police department that also includes a photo ID.  Solicitors are also required to wear a mask during the COVID-19 emergency.

Refer to Streetsboro Codified Ordinances for further information on solicitors.  If you are approached at your home by a solicitor without a permit and/or photo identification, contact the police department.

Upon request, this agency will check its records for any reports involving a specified individual.  Such “record checks” are done within the records maintained by the Streetsboro Police Department only, and do not involve records which may be on file with other agencies or the courts.

To obtain a more complete criminal background check we recommend submitting a fingerprint card to the Ohio Bureau of Criminal Investigation (BCI).  For information on services offered by BCI visit their website at

You can contact our dispatch at (330) 626-4976, or send us an email at or  You may remain anonymous if you wish.

You can also submit tips online through Nixle.

Parking is not permitted on any street within the city of Streetsboro.  If you are having a gathering at your residence and do not believe that there will not be enough space for your guests to park in your driveway, you can call police dispatch at (330) 626-4976 to request temporary permission.  Permission is not guaranteed, and it may be revoked at any time by the police department.

  1. Online:  Visit /police-department-requests/
  2. In Person: Completed and approved incident reports are generally available within five (5) days following the filing of the report, in person at the police department.  There is no charge for report copies up to twenty-five (25) pages.  Thereafter, the cost is .5 (five) cents per page.
  3. By Mail:  Completed and approved incident reports can be mailed out, provided you send a stamped, self-addressed envelope to the police department (Attn:  Records).  There is no charge for report copies up to twenty-five (25) pages.  Thereafter, the cost is .5 (five) cents per page.

To inquire further regarding the availability of a police report, please contact the on-duty Dispatcher at the police department at (330) 626-4976.   While most records are open for public viewing and/or copying, there are some exceptions.

Certain information may be redacted from reports in accordance with current Public Records Law and Privacy Laws.  A good example of this would be phone numbers and social security numbers.
Cases which are currently under active prosecution may not be released by this department.  Requests for copies of these reports shall be deferred to the Prosecutor’s Office for disclosure under “discovery” proceedings in accordance with the Ohio Revised Code.

Cases under active investigation, containing sensitive information which if released may jeopardize the successful investigation of the case, or may cause an uncharged suspect to flee, may be withheld.
These are some general guidelines.  Our goal is to release records in the vast majority of requests.  And while some instances may require the temporary withholding of a record (or portions thereof), we are here to work with you to obtain the information you need.

No.  The Streetsboro Police Department is not notified of this information by utility companies.  You would need to contact the individual utility companies directly for that specific information.  Ohio Edison maintains a 24-hour telephone number (1-888-544-4877) for reporting a power outage.   You can also report a power outage at this link:

Don’t panic…follow simple guidance from the Ohio Department of Health at, and call 1-833-4ASKODH with your questions.

Parking is generally not permitted on city streets.  If you need temporary parking, you may contact police dispatch at (330) 626-4976 to request “permission to park”.  This permission may be revoked at the discretion of the police department.

Unfortunately, the city of Streetsboro does not have public transportation. We do however partner with Portage Area Regional Transportation Authority for short trips for all. Please visit this link:

Water Bills may be paid by cash check, money order at city hall. If you would like to pay online you may do so by clicking the link below.

A zoning certificate is required before you can:

build a new home

build an addition

build a deck

construct a fence

install a swimming pool

erect an accessory building





If the structure is over 200 sq. ft. a building permit is required along with the zoning permit.
If the structure is under 200 sq. ft. a building permit is not required, however you will still need to obtain a zoning permit.

  • If a contractor/homeowner wants to put in a lawn sprinkler system, they need to fill out a plumbing permit.
  • Attached to the permit, they must have a drawing showing the number of heads and where they are located on the property.
  • The cost for a lawn sprinkler permit is ? PLUS $4.00 per head (fixture). Please add 1% OBC fee.
  • Make sure the contractor that is doing the work is registered to work in the City.
  • Once the Building Director has approved this application, then print out the permits.
  • When the contractor/homeowner picks up the permit, be sure to give him a copy of the City of Streetsboro Backflow Prevention Program Form.
  • Let him know that this form must be filled out by a licensed plumber (our plumbing inspector is able to do this inspection), and then it must be turned in to the Water Department.

You may come into the Building Dept. to pick up permit applications Mon.-Fri. 8am-4:30pm
Or from the Building Departments Document Center.

If the fence is going to be over 6 feet tall a building permit is required.
A zoning permit is required for all fences.

First, you need to submit a zoning permit application and site plan to the Zoning department.
A building permit application, an electrical permit application, and if there is a heater being installed a plumbing permit application.  Manufacturers information, and how the pool will be secured is required along with the applications.  If the pool is 4ft. or higher, removable steps are required.  If the pool is less than 4 ft. a fence and a self locking gate are required to secure the entire pool area. The fence must be 4 ft. or higher.

First, you need to submit a zoning permit application and site plan to the Zoning department.
The Building department needs 2 detailed drawings of the proposed deck including the dimensions, height from the ground and depth of the post-holes.

All inspections should be requested through our online portal 24 hours in advance. We will not schedule or fulfill same day inspections requests. There are some times during the year it may take 48 hours to get an inspection. Per the OBC, we have up to 96 business hours to fulfill an inspection request, if that cannot be fulfilled you may move on to the next step of the process.

Please contact our City Engineer, Justin Czekaj at 330-422-2093.

Please contact our City Engineer, Justin Czekaj at 330-422-2093.

We offer a competitive benefit package which includes  medical, dental, vision and life insurance.

Spring pick up is usually the 3rd week in April

Fall pick up is usually the last week in September

  • Tree limbs can be as large as 10” in diameter but no more than 8’ to 10’ long.
  • Chipping crews will spend a maximum of one half hour chipping at each residence.
  • Brush will be picked up from developed lots only. The chipping program was designed to help residents who wish to trim trees and shrubs.
  • If a commercial contractor is hired to trim your trees, it is then the responsibility of the contractor for removal of your brush.
  • Brush containing foreign objects will NOT be collected. Grass, weeds, trash, stumps, rocks, lumber, logs, firewood, and leaves cannot be mixed with the brush piles.
  • Please place brush on the lawn close to the roads edge, with the cut end facing the road. Having the correct placement will assist the crews in efficiently collecting the brush.

Leaf pick up happens in the Fall and follows the conclusion of brush pick up, and continues as long as the leaves fall and until snow begins.

Residents are encouraged to rake their leaves to the front of their homes by the road’s edge, but not to obstruct the road or the culvert at the end of their drive.

We do not offer individual street sweeping. However, if there is a need if an issue arises, please contact the city Service Department.

You will need your Portage County Sewer bill with account number. Please visit this site to make payment via Portage County:

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