SFD Training

RTF training - Chief Reinholz

Active threat rescue task force training:

Recently, we had the pleasure of taking part in Rescue Task Force training as part of a county-wide effort to remain prepared for an active threat situation. This training was sponsored by the Portage County Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Management. Funding for the course was provided by a State Homeland Security Grant. This two day training involved classroom education and a full day of realistic scenarios. We enjoyed working with colleagues from across the county during this training.
Pictured is Streetsboro Fire Chief Robert Reinholz sporting the full complement of gear used by EMS during an active threat / Rescue Task Force situation (Photo courtesy of Arlin Bradford)

Why is the Fire Department training so much?

Your Streetsboro Fire Fighters are engaged in training on a regular basis. Whether it's EMS or Fire related; new or refresher training; we are training.
In the heat of the moment - when your family needs us the most - there is no time to think or guess; only time to act!
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