News and Events

2024 Annual Report

Streetsboro Fire Department Annual Report - 2024

The Streetsboro Fire Department is proud to present the annual report for 2024. This report highlights various incidents, activities, and accomplishments over the last year. We are proud to provide Prompt, Courteous, and Professional Emergency Service to our community. We hope you find this report insightful, and we thank you for your continued support of the Streetsboro Fire Department: 2024 Annual Report.pdf

Annual Fire Pump Testing


A fire pump is part of a fire sprinkler system's water supply and is powered by electric or diesel fuel. In Streetsboro, we have both electric and diesel fire pumps in various businesses across the city. The fire pump intake is either connected to the public underground water supply piping, or a static water source (e.g., tank, reservoir). The pump provides water flow at a higher pressure to the sprinkler system risers and hose standpipes in a building requiring automatic fire sprinkler protection.

Fire pumps require testing in accordance with local, state, and national fire codes. This includes an annual flow test to ensure the fire pump can deliver the rated flow as required by design. During these annual tests, representatives from our Fire Prevention Bureau at there to witness the test, monitor fire alarm status, and ensure testing parameters are met. Additionally, a member of the Water Department is also on site to verify water usage and help maintain the integrity of the municipal water system. The Fire Department and Water Department work to minimize the impact on the water system, however, settled mineral particles will be stirred up as large volumes of water are flowed. Annual testing of fire pumps typically takes place between March and November each year.

Per the Water Department, city water customers who experience discolored water should let their COLD water run for a 5-10 minutes to clear. If after 10 minutes water has not cleared, wait 1 hour and repeat running COLD water for no more than 10 minutes. If the problem persists or occurs at other times, please contact the Streetsboro Water Department at 330-626-2856 for further investigation.

The fire department issues public notice via its social media forums in advance of fire pump tests. We also provide a courtesy email notice to residents and businesses that desire such information. To be included in the email notices, send your name and email address to Kevin Grimm, Captain of the Fire Prevention Bureau at

Fire Pump test stock photo

Tour the Fire Station

Does your group want to visit the fire station for a tour? We welcome you to tour Streetsboro's fire station. Call our business line weekdays between 8-4:30PM at 330-626-4664 for more information.

Opened in May 2021, this new, state-of-the-art building is home to Firefighters 24 hours per day, every day of the year. Our apparatus bays, kitchen/dayroom, conference room and offices are located on the first floor.  Sleeping quarters, women & men's locker rooms, and a work out area take up the second floor.

LED lighting is throughout the building and all lights are time and brightness controlled automatically for maximum efficiency. This includes the lights at our 9/11 Memorial and in the parking areas.

Thank you to the voters of Streetsboro for approving construction of this facility. This building will serve as the main fire station for many years and we are proud to be the caretakers of our home away from home.


Fire Station Construction – Fall 2020 walk-through

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