Parking is not permitted on any street within the city of Streetsboro. If you are having a gathering at your residence and do not believe that there will not be enough space for your guests to park in your driveway, you can call police dispatch at (330) 626-4976 to request temporary permission. Permission is not … Continued
Parking is generally not permitted on city streets. If you need temporary parking, you may contact police dispatch at (330) 626-4976 to request “permission to park”. This permission may be revoked at the discretion of the police department.
Spring pick up is usually the 3rd week in April Fall pick up is usually the last week in September Tree limbs can be as large as 10” in diameter but no more than 8’ to 10’ long. Chipping crews will spend a maximum of one half hour chipping at each residence. Brush will be … Continued
Leaf pick up happens in the Fall and follows the conclusion of brush pick up, and continues as long as the leaves fall and until snow begins. Residents are encouraged to rake their leaves to the front of their homes by the road’s edge, but not to obstruct the road or the culvert at the … Continued
Call police dispatch at (330) 626-4976. The dispatcher will determine if you should come to the police station, or if an officer should come to you. Call 9-1-1 for an emergency.