Water Department FAQ

The Water Department publishes a schedule of these activities on the city’s website. Please remember that this schedule is only a planning tool and may be off by a day or two due to problems that may be encountered in the field from time to time.

Having a flushing program also provides capability for rapid and effective removal of potentially harmful water if a contamination event were to be detected in the city’s drinking water system. This could represent a key component for emergency response to potential accidental or willful contamination of the city’s potable water system.

The development and implementation of the city’s flushing program can improve both, water quality and hydraulics. It can improve water quality by restoring disinfectant residual, reducing bacterial re-growth, dislodging bio-films, removing sediments and deposits, controlling corrosion, restoring flows and pressures, eliminating taste and odor problems, and reducing disinfectant demand throughout the distribution system. These efforts should prolong the life expectancy of the distribution system.

The procedure is considered a best management practice for distribution system water quality protection and maintenance and is commonly used by municipalities’ nation-wide.

It is recommended that water users wait until the water has cleared before using it for potable purposes.

Running several cold water taps at full force for a short period will usually flush out sediment laden or discolored water. A general recommendation is to flush for up to 10 minutes – if the water is not clear, wait for half an hour before flushing for up to 10-minutes again. Running water in a garden hose is often an effective way to flush, as the water can also be used for landscape watering. If the water hasn’t cleared at this point, call 330-626-4942 ext. 6106 or 330-626-2856 ext. 6103 (after hours, weekends and holidays contact Police Department on their Non-Emergency Line) for further

Clothing should not be laundered during such events as clothing may be stained. It is also best not to use hot water until the water has cleared to avoid drawing sediment into the water heater.

While the long-term benefits of systematic flushing are well-documented, individual flushing activities may cause temporary disturbances in the water system. These could include water with sediments or discoloration, or temporary disruption of service.

When a hydrant is opened, there will always be temporary incidences of discolored water containing fine sediment particles. There is no health hazard associated with discolored water. Allow a few hours for discoloration to dissipate. To verify the water has settled allow your cold water tap to run for a few minutes.

If the discoloration persists for more than 1 hour please contact our office at 330-626-4942 ext. 6106 or 330-626-2856 ext. 6103 (after hours, weekends and holidays contact Police Department on their Non-Emergency Line).

If the tap water is used during flushing, it could come out full of sediment and discoloration. If you encounter discolored water, shut the water off and wait several minutes. After waiting, check the clarity by running cold water for a few minutes allowing new water to work its way into your pipes. If not, wait a few more minutes and check again.

In some cases, you may experience slight discoloration for a few hours. This discoloration only affects the appearance of the water; it does not affect the taste or water quality. Avoid washing laundry during scheduled flushing times. Wait until the water is clear from the tap, and then wash a load of dark clothes first. If pressure or volume seems low, check your faucet screens for trapped debris.

If you see a city crew flushing hydrants on your street or in your neighborhood, avoid running tap water, your washing machine or the dishwasher until the flushing is complete. If you see hydrant flushing crews working in the area, please drive carefully and treat them like any other construction crew. DRIVE SAFELY!

The city’s treated water distribution system is a complex network of pipes and storage reservoirs where sediment or deposits may naturally accumulate over time. If not removed, these materials may cause water quality deterioration, taste and odor problems or discoloration of the water. Water may also stagnate in less-used parts of the distribution
system. This can result in degraded water quality.

The normal flow of water through the system will reduce some, but not all of these accumulation and stagnation problems over time, thus supplemental measures are periodically needed
to clear out the system. Systematic flushing of fire hydrants in a unidirectional fashion is an effective way to
accomplishing this needed cleaning.

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